Friday 16 October 2015

Video of Qatari blogger insulting Emir of Kuwait

By clicking on the following link I confirm that I will not hold the publisher of this blog responsible for sharing this video.  أقر بأنني لن أحمل صاحب هذه المدونه مسؤولية مشاهدتي الفيديو في هذا الرابط

Rough translation: God Curse Sabah Al Ahmad and curse the blue (Kuwaiti) passport over you. If the Emir of Qatar wants to hand me over to Kuwait he has to (inaudible/"throw me"?) in Qatar, my country, and not send me to Shia dogs (in Kuwait) they are all Shia (in Kuwait)"

*I, Sultan,  in no way whatsoever condone this filthy sectarian language.

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